Enrique Talg Wyss: environmental proctection
The Cabildo, Tenerifes main council, has voted to build a leisure park at Risco Miguel, Los Realejos, in permanent memory of one of the founders of successful tourism in the North Don Enrique Talg. Enrique died recently, leaving his children well in charge of his superb hotel, the Tigaiga, in the Taoro Park. He was celebrated not only as hotelier, but as a strong conservationist of local flora. The gardens of his four-star hotel were quite beautiful, stocked almost entirely with local island plans, shrubs, bushes, treelife and flowers.
Wladimiro Rodriguez is the Environment and Landscape councillor at the Cabildo. He had this to say recently: We have sought to plan and build something with which we can identify, and render tribute to, Enrique Talg Wyss. He was always a champion in the protection of our environment. Our leisure park dedicated to him will provide a place for relaxation for strollers and senderistas, in the great hills above Los Realejos. It will be fully guaranteed for safety, and we can guarantee it will blend architecturally with the hills and valleys where it will stand as a long-lasting memorial to señor Talg.
It is not by coincidence that the zone chosen for the leisure park is actually called “Tigaiga”, though it is within the huge municipality of Los Realejos, which, like that of neighbouring La Orotava, stretches from the coast line up and up towards the forests and peaks that surround the peak of Teide. A small refuge will also be built in the park.
The Hotel Tigaiga is considered by many, if not all islanders, as the finest hotel in Tenerife. It has only four stars because of the Spanish laws which allow stars for the quantity of amenities offered by a hotel. One supposes that the swimming pool is not Olympic-sized, or there are not quite enough lifts. It is Quality that Enrique, following the example set by his own father, insisted on; quality of food and service, quality of napery, crystal and crockery, quality of furniture and cleanliness in the bedrooms and suites. The Tigaiga has always been a favourite with islanders and foreign residents as a place to have a quietly luxurious luncheon in the best setting possible, all the year round.
Enrique died on 27 September, 2006. He was a member of the Instituto de Estudios Hispanicos, the Agrupación Hotelera y Zonas Turísticas de España. The Plan de Excelencia Turística del Valle de La Orotava, the CIT at Puerto de la Cruz (one of the Founders) and the Patronato del Parque Nacional del Teide.
The Hotel Tigaiga has won on many occasions the Silver Award awarded by the Canary Island Government, and the Gold Medal given by the CIT at Puerto de la Cruz.
by Jeremy Taylor
The place chosen for this rest area is located on the Tigaiga slope, close to the Chanajiga recreative area in Los Realejos. One of the reasons this particular spot was chosen was because of the breathtaking view of almost the whole of the north of Tenerife that can be seen from there. A path for people who enjoy nature hikes called GR-133 will be established soon and this will give them a place to rest and enjoy the wonderful view before they get back to hiking.
The inauguration was hosted by Ricardo Melchior, president of the Tenerife Cabildo, Wladimiro Rodríguez, environmental councillor, Jorge Bonnet, director of “paisaje y medio urbano” and Oswaldo Brito, mayor of Los Realejos. Enrique, Ursula and Irene Talg were there too. Apart from them there was a large group of hikers (who actually were the people that asked for this homage towards Enrique Talg Wyss to be created), and various other dignitaries, friends, and the press of course.
The cost of the works came to 30.000 euros, and consists of a stone hut with a table and benches inside, and a tap for drinking water outside. It has been designed to adapt to the environment, thus avoiding any negative impact on the existing flora and fauna in the area.
A plaque in Talg’s honour was uncovered during the act, and all the dignitaries attending agreed that this was a well deserved commemoration of this man who had done so much for Tenerife and whose heirs are now carrying on his great work. Enrique was visibly moved during his speech, but apart from that moment the rest of the act was a very joyful one, almost a celebration.
Enrique Talg Wyss was …always preoccupied with environmental issues and a staunch nature lover. This is why this beautiful place was chosen to remember him… He also received hundreds of awards for the Hotel Tigaiga, which he owned. More importantly, he was a well loved and respected man by all who knew him; I overheard many of the people attending this act sharing lovely anecdotes about him.
After the uncovering of the plaque all the attendants were invited to snacks and drinks by the Talg family. Getting up to the area of Chanajiga is not easy, but well worth it. If you love hiking and nature, you must see this spectacular part of Tenerife.
Published in Tenerife NEWS Edition 350