BRAVO:  Traveller Review Awards TIGAIGA Hotel & Suites
Awards & travel industry Guests & Friends

BRAVO: Traveller Review Awards TIGAIGA Hotel & Suites

Today we received a letter from Glenn Fogel, President and CEO of

Hello, I would like to personally congratulate you on receiving our Traveler Review Award 2021

2020 was a year with many challenges and few travel options. The few trips some people have made, have been more important than ever, and you have managed to keep up. Over the past year, customers have consistently left you exceptional feedback and it shows very much that they value everything you do for them.

We appreciate it too, and the entire team and I thank you again for the dedication you are showing in providing customers with unparalleled service …

Now starts 2021 and I can’t wait to see the opportunities the New Year offers. I hope that our cooperation will continue to increase day by day and that we will continue to build our sector together.

Thank you again for your collaboration and incredible work on behalf of the entire team. Greetings!

1 thought on “BRAVO: Traveller Review Awards TIGAIGA Hotel & Suites”

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch für diese tolle Auszeichnung. Wie schön so eine Bestätigung für ihre wundervolle Arbeit. Für uns war es jedes mal eine so schöne Zeit in ihren Häusern. Jeder sorgte dafür, dass wir uns bei Ihnen wohlgefühlt haben. Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bald wieder.
    Viele liebe Grüße aus dem verschneiten Norddeutschland.

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