Guests & Friends Sustainability & Environment

Our rooms

In July 2013 the hotel Tigaiga closed for 5 weeks to renovate the entire ground floor and all rooms on the first floor. In cooperation with the University of La Laguna, a group of students of the Faculty of Fine Arts created our “Tenerife images”. These now decorate our public areas and rooms in fullContinue Reading “Our rooms”

Guests & Friends

Tribute to Puerto de la Cruz & Tigaiga returners

Today the local tourist association CIT (Centro de Iniciativas y Turismo) and the Tigaiga  honoured tourists for their loyalty to our destination. There were four bronze diplomas awarded for a minimum of 15 holidays and a silver diploma for 25 years Puerto de la Cruz holidays. The gold certificate was presented to Señores Washington forContinue Reading “Tribute to Puerto de la Cruz & Tigaiga returners”