Sustainability & Environment Tigaiga Team

Tigaiga Tree Planting

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary since the inauguration of the Tigaiga this year, our staff started  reforesting a picturesque spot in the Tenerife hills,  planting the first from 50 pine trees in response to a plea from the Tenerife Cabildo. We want to mark the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Tigaiga in a special way and hope these trees willContinue Reading “Tigaiga Tree Planting”

Awards & travel industry Tigaiga Team

Tigaiga receives the 13th TUI Holly 2007

In 2007, as well as in the past 13 years, Tigaiga was voted by TUI guests one of the best 100 hotels out of a total of 12.000 hotels worldwide. A prize giving event to celebrate the awarded hotels took place in Hamburg. A basic criterion for above award is the valuation of hotels that resultsContinue Reading “Tigaiga receives the 13th TUI Holly 2007”

Tigaiga Team

Very, very loyal workers

This space is  dedicated to our loyal employees who have made the Tigaiga successful for decades by providing friendly, helpful service. Don Emilio Mailand (1959-1990) Dirección  Santiago Ramón Castro  (1953- 1985) Administración Gilberto Cabrera Hernández  (1957- 2003) Economato Vicente Hernández García  desde 1985  Administración