
Tigaiga … enjoying our Carnival

A peculiarity of the Canarian Carnival is the “Burial of the Sardine”. Symbolically, Carnival is carried to the grave with a fish made out of paper mache. But before she is taken through the streets, so that everyone can hear the lamentations of widows or widowers! Our team with black veil hats or face masks,Continue Reading “Tigaiga … enjoying our Carnival”


Carnaval, carnaval

Wednesday, 20th Feb: 8.30 p.m. Presentation of adult and child candidates for Queen of the International Carnival 2014. Casa Ventoso (Ex Colegio de Los Agustinos). Saturday, 22nd Feb: 11.00 p.m. Exhibition of old cars “Mercedes”. Avenida de Colón.Sunday, 23rd Feb: 5.00 p.m. Children’s Queen Election. Plaza de EuropThursday, 27th Feb: 9.00 p.m. Queen’s Election. Plaza de Europa. Saturday, 31stContinue Reading “Carnaval, carnaval”


Carnaval, carnaval …. in Puerto de la Cruz

Here are some programme highlights 2011: Sunday, 20th Feb: Presentation of adult and child candidates for Queen of the Carnival 2011. Venue: Plaza de los Reyes Católicos. Saturday, 26th Feb: Exhibition of anticue and classic “Mercedes” cars Venue: Avenida de Colón. Thursday, 3rd March: Gala Show to Elect the Carnival Queen 2011. Venue & ticketContinue Reading “Carnaval, carnaval …. in Puerto de la Cruz”