Events Puerto de la Cruz & Tenerife


Join us from the 5th to the 14th of November 2021 in Puerto de la Cruz. In this 8th edition of the festival, the city of Puerto de la Cruz will be filled with literature, history, culture, gastronomy, music, archaeology and a lot of mystery in different parts of the city, including TIGAIGA SUITES. DownloadContinue Reading “AGATHA CHRISTIE Festival”

Guests & Friends

Loyalty rewards for returning Tigaiga guests!

The Centro de Initiativas y Turismo (CIT Puerto de la Cruz) demonstrated at the end of May their recognition and thanks to Tigaiga guests who have regularly returned to our town. A bronze pin and a diploma was awarded to Señores Doepfer , Señores Simmons and Señores Mueller for  visiting the Tigaiga more than 15 times! OnceContinue Reading “Loyalty rewards for returning Tigaiga guests!”


IV Festival Internacional Agatha Christie, Puerto de la Cruz

The activities start today upon the arrival in Tenerife of the Agatha Christie Thema Cruise, sailing from Southampton. Arriving on that cruise, to take part in the Festival, will be Dr. John Curran (world leading authority on the works of Agatha Christie, and author of two compilation books about her posthumous legacy) and Señor MathewContinue Reading “IV Festival Internacional Agatha Christie, Puerto de la Cruz”


Puerto de la Cruz: XI Festival de Musica Antigua y Barroca

From  31st March – 13th April:  Castillo San Felipe and Iglesia de la Peña de Francia • 31st March: Castillo San Felipe, 12.00h: Vicent Bru, Cristina Barceló y Dea Woon Kang (soprano, clave y creación visual) Música ibérica para teclado de los siglos XVI y XVII y chanson francesa del XVI. • 6th April  Castillo SanContinue Reading “Puerto de la Cruz: XI Festival de Musica Antigua y Barroca”

Guests & Friends

A big thank you for our regular guests!

People who have booked numerous stays at the Tigaiga, augment every year! Our guests return again and again and recommend us to others. MUCHAS GRACIAS Señores Senn (15th), Señores Hofer (15th) and on this occasion specially Señores Naylor (35th visit)! We are grateful for their loyalty and are happy to thank these regular customers with the CITContinue Reading “A big thank you for our regular guests!”


Concerts: 37th Semana Bávara in Puerto de la Cruz

Orquesta “Die lustigen Egerländer” CONCIERTOS · KONZERTS · CONCERTS: 37ª Semana Bávara de Puerto de la Cruz del 27 de agosto al 4 de septiembre de 2010 27/08 Viernes · Freitag · Friday – 20:00 h Concierto en Avda. Colón / Avda. Venezuela 29/08 Domingo · Sonntag · Sunday – 12:00 h Concierto en LagoContinue Reading “Concerts: 37th Semana Bávara in Puerto de la Cruz”

Events Subtropical gardens

International Festival: Puerto de la Cruz in bloom!

In the first week of June, the CIT (Tourist and Iniciatives Centre)  is organizing the second edition of  PUERTO DE LA CRUZ in bloom! There will be guided tours to  gardens and squares, open days for visitors, a painting contest and a floral photography exhibition. This will be livened up with music and street entertainment.