New Tigaiga garden photos!
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This week we have planted new Phoenix canariensis palm trees in our garden Tigaiga. Thus, we stick to our motto: Tigaiga, a hotel with more palm trees than beds!
our “organ-pipe cactus” (Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum) will bloom soon with its white flowers, which are up to 5cm long and funnel-shaped. Photo: Our handyman Cristo is competent in a variety of skills, repair and maintenance work.
In the last five years, public administrations invested € 51 million in Puerto de la Cruz. The repair of roads, pedestrian zones, squares, public gardens as the Taoro Park, public furniture and building facades have been accomplished. And, finally, also the restoration of the coastal path “Sendero de la Costa” is progressing!
In the category “Improvement and landscape integration in business premises” the jury members unanimously awarded a Special Mention to the Hotel Tigaiga. According to the jury this is a recognition for the efforts and trajectory of this company in landscape conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. The awards ceremony was held last Friday atContinue Reading “Premio Paisajes “Isla de Tenerife””
The biggest collection of bike routes on the web includes active ways to discover Tenerife. At a nice route takes you from the beach Playa del Socorro to the town of Tigaiga, part of Los Realejos. Reverse profile is also possible for those who prefer to travel downhill! GPS download available.
Andrea Montgomery, travel professional of, has written a guide on Tenerife. Andrea is a travel enthusiast who loves to explore new parts of the world. In her guide, she has recommended Hotel Tigaiga as a fantastic place to stay.
On September 15th the spanish postal service CORREOS will launch a stamp series with the name “Nature reserves of Spain”. One of these stamps is dedicated to the Teide National Park. More information:
Professional photographers now decorate the Tigaiga: Martin Sasse, from series “Nordküste Teneriffa”, 2008 Celestino Mesa, from series “Sculptures in the Tigaiga garden”, 2009 Sacha Lobenstein, from series “Teide”, 2010