Guests & Friends

A big thank you for our regular guests!

People who have booked numerous stays at the Tigaiga, augment every year! Our guests return again and again and recommend us to others. MUCHAS GRACIAS Señores Senn (15th), Señores Hofer (15th) and on this occasion specially Señores Naylor (35th visit)! We are grateful for their loyalty and are happy to thank these regular customers with the CITContinue Reading “A big thank you for our regular guests!”

Guests & Friends

The schooner Regina Maris visits the Tigaiga on their Atlantic voyage

Regina Maris left Amsterdam for 6 months sailing with SCHOOL AT SEA: an interesting journey via Canary Islands,  Caribean, Panama,  Cuba, Azores and back to Amsterdam. “The present school system offers too few extracurricular activities. Students don’t, for instance, come into contact with nature” says Monique Touw, instigator of the School At Sea project. ThisContinue Reading “The schooner Regina Maris visits the Tigaiga on their Atlantic voyage”