Carnaval, carnaval
Saturday, 31st Feb: 8.30 p.m. Carnival Parade. Avenida José del Campo Llarena, Calle San Felipe, Plaza del Charco, Calle Santo Domingo, Calle Zamora ending in Plaza de la Constitución. 10.30 p.m. Grand Ball. Plaza del Charco, Calle Perdomo and Plaza del Escultor Angel Acosta.
Sunday, 2nd March.-
11.00 a.m. Enrolment for the Chilldren´s Fancy Dress Competition. Plaza de Europa, behind the main carnival stage.
11.30 a.m. Shows by Children’s Dance Groups from Puerto de la Cruz. Plaza de Europa.
11.30 p.m. Exhibition of “Child’s Murga” Carnival Group. Plaza del Charco.
12.00 p.m. Children’s Fancy Dress Competition. Plaza de Europa.
12.00 to 7.00 p.m. Puretas Party Carnival. Plaza del Charco.
1.00 p.m. Shows by Children’s Dance Groups from Puerto de la Cruz and awards Children´s Fancy Dress Competition. Plaza de Europa.
4.00 to 6.00 p.m. Puertódromo. Comparsas. Avenida de Colón.
7.00 p.m. Enrolment for the Adult Fancy Dress Competition. Plaza de Europa, behind the main carnival stage.
7.30 p.m. Exhibition of “Murgas” Carnival Group. Plaza del Charco.
7.30 p.m. Shows by Adult Dance Groups from Puerto de la Cruz. Plaza de Europa.
8.00 p.m. Adult Fancy Dress Competition. Plaza de Europa.
8.30 p.m. Performers of “La Fanfarria”and awards Fancy Dress Competition. Plaza de Europa
9.00 to O.00 pm. “Guateque del Carnaval”. Plaza del Charco, Calle Perdomo and Plaza del Escultor Ángel Acosta.
Monday, 3rd March.6.30 p.m. Presentation of the Ritual “Matar la Culebra” (Kill the Snake) – a custom from the old traditional Puerto de la Cruz carnival. Route: At different sites throughout the city centre. 8.30 p.m. Exhibition of “Murgas” Carnival Groups. Plaza de Europa.
10.30 p.m. Grand Ball. Plaza del Charco, Calle Perdomo and Plaza del Escultor Ángel Acosta.
Tuesday, 4th March. 2.00 p.m. XLII Edition of the Rally of the Valley vintage cars. Paddock in Avenida Colon.
8.00 p.m. Shows by Children’s and Adult Dance Groups and performers of “Comparsas”. Plaza de Europa.
10.30 p.m. Grand Ball. Plaza del Charco, Calle Perdomo and Plaza del Escultor Ángel Acosta.
Wednesday, 5th March.-12.00 a.m. Exposition of “La Sardina”. Avenida Colón with Avda. Venezuela.
9.30 p.m. “Entierro de la Sardina” (Funeral for the Sardine). Avda. Colon, Avda. Venezuela, Avda. Familia Betancourt y Molina, Calle Valois, Calle Blanco, Calle La Marina and Fishing Wharf. At the end of the funeral procession, there will be a fireworks display and the sardine will be cremated on a funeral pyre.
11.30 p.m. Grand Ball. Plaza del Charco, Calle Perdomo and Plaza del Escultor Ángel Acosta.
Friday, 7th March.-8.00 p.m. XX Men’s Marathon in high heels “Mascarita Ponte Tacon”. Enrolment and scrutineering of heels in: Plaza del Charco.
10.00 p.m. XX Men’s Marathon in high heels “Mascarita Ponte Tacon”. Start. Plaza del Charco, Calle Santo Domingo, Paseo de San Telmo, Calle Santo Domingo, Calle La Marina with the finishing line in Plaza del Charco.
12.00 a.m. Grand Ball. Plaza del Charco, Calle Perdomo and Plaza del Escultor Ángel Acosta.
Saturday, 8th March.-4.00 p.m. Grand Puerto de la Cruz International Carnival Parade. Avda. Colón, Calle Obispo Pérez Cáceres, Avda. Familia Betancourt y Molina, Calle Zamora, Calle Santo Domingo, Calle La Marina, Plaza del Charco, Calle San Felipe and Paseo Luis Lavaggi.
8.00 p.m. Grand Ball. Plaza del Charco, Calle Perdomo and Plaza del Escultor Ángel Acosta.
Sunday, 9th March.-12.00 p.m. Shows by Carnival Groups from Puerto de la Cruz. Plaza del Charco.
3.00 to 7.00 p.m. Grand Ball. Plaza del Charco.