
Carnival events in Puerto de la Cruz

This year’s theme is “Tierra de Volcanes”. Thursday, 11th of February.- 9.00 p.m.    Gala Show to Elect the International Carnival Queen 2010. Venue: Plaza de Europa. Ticket sales: Plaza de Europa. Saturday, 13th of February.- 9.00 p.m.    Exhibition of “Comparsa” carnival groups, with the participation of the comparsas: “Guarani Kaiowa”, “Son Bahía” and “Carabao Guayana”,Continue Reading “Carnival events in Puerto de la Cruz”

Tigaiga in the media

Hotel Tigaiga in Google Street View

Google Street View is a feature of Google Maps that provides horizontal and vertical panoramic views for many streets and buildings in the world including the Hotel Tigaiga. Coverage is shown by dragging an orange “pegman” icon from its position, onto a map of any scale. In Puerto de la Cruz, street view images appear after zooming inContinue Reading “Hotel Tigaiga in Google Street View”


Zubin Mehta opens XXVI Tenerife Music Festival

The XXVI edition of  the Canary Islands Music Festival started yesterday at the Auditorium in Santa Cruz with the Staatskapelle Dresden, the oldest in the world,  under the baton of maestro Zubin Hindu Mehta. If you are interest in entrances or more information please do not hesitate to contact us.  At the hotel Tigaiga we areContinue Reading “Zubin Mehta opens XXVI Tenerife Music Festival”