Tag: visitors
Your TENERIFE made to measure travel plan!
You’re only three clicks away from the best possible holiday on Tenerife: Tenerife Made to measure plan! Choose the days that you will be on the Island (between three and seven days), the accommodation you would like and your motivation. TURISMO DE TENERIFE will suggest a personalised plan with the best visits and activities forContinue Reading “Your TENERIFE made to measure travel plan!”
The schooner Regina Maris visits the Tigaiga on their Atlantic voyage
Regina Maris left Amsterdam for 6 months sailing with SCHOOL AT SEA: an interesting journey via Canary Islands, Caribean, Panama, Cuba, Azores and back to Amsterdam. “The present school system offers too few extracurricular activities. Students don’t, for instance, come into contact with nature” says Monique Touw, instigator of the School At Sea project. ThisContinue Reading “The schooner Regina Maris visits the Tigaiga on their Atlantic voyage”
Fam trip MAG MAR
Yesterday we received a Fam Trip organized by the touroperator MAG MAR, from Poland. The visitors were travel agents interested in Tenerife north. They visited the Tigaiga hotel, finishing their visit with a dinner in our Restaurante Jardín. They all showed satisfaction with the service and the possibilities our hotel offers for travellers who areContinue Reading “Fam trip MAG MAR”
The World Youth Choir (WYC) will bringing together talented young singers aged 17 – 26 from all over the world in Puerto de la Cruz on July 15th. The choir’s conductors Ragnar Rasmussen and Joseph Vila i Casañas (currently Hotel Tigaiga guests) and repertoire perfectly reflects the cultural diversity of its singers.
Flourishing Taoro park
Jardines de La Atalaya – Puerto de la Cruz – Tenerife from Juan Carlos on Vimeo.
Gillian Thomas: Tigaiga, Tenerife’s Best 4-Star Hotel
Read all: Hotel Tigaiga at Puerto de la Cruz – Tenerife’s Best 4-Star Hotel.
Hotel Tigaiga in Google Street View
Google Street View is a feature of Google Maps that provides horizontal and vertical panoramic views for many streets and buildings in the world including the Hotel Tigaiga. Coverage is shown by dragging an orange “pegman” icon from its position, onto a map of any scale. In Puerto de la Cruz, street view images appear after zooming inContinue Reading “Hotel Tigaiga in Google Street View”