Events Sustainability & Environment

The new British School of Tenerife

The first meeting after the merge of Trinity School and the British Yeoward School forming the new BRITISH SCHOOL OF TENERIFE took place at the Tigaiga. After organizing the starting conference all present had time for casual talks during the coffee-break in our gardens. We wish all 581 pupils a good start to this newContinue Reading “The new British School of Tenerife”


Concerts: 37th Semana Bávara in Puerto de la Cruz

Orquesta “Die lustigen Egerländer” CONCIERTOS · KONZERTS · CONCERTS: 37ª Semana Bávara de Puerto de la Cruz del 27 de agosto al 4 de septiembre de 2010 27/08 Viernes · Freitag · Friday – 20:00 h Concierto en Avda. Colón / Avda. Venezuela 29/08 Domingo · Sonntag · Sunday – 12:00 h Concierto en LagoContinue Reading “Concerts: 37th Semana Bávara in Puerto de la Cruz”


The feast of midsummer in Puerto de la Cruz

Under the banner of “community” we celebrate the eve of St. John in Puerto de la Cruz: From early evening family and friends armed with picnic baskets meet at Playa Jardín. The live bands all around contribute to provide good atmosphere on the beach. Besides the usual bonfires,  little boats from banana leaves are built here, which  areContinue Reading “The feast of midsummer in Puerto de la Cruz”